Open Letter to @jason

Hey, Jason

If you want a smart, relevant and controversial guest, perhaps you should consider Justin Roff-Marsh?

As you can see from Justin’s recent posts (right), he has a sharply divergent view on how sales environments should be structured and managed.

Justin’s recent book, The Machine, just won Gold in the Axiom Business Book Awards and has an average rating of 4.9 on Amazon.

But Justin’s a practitioner, not just an author. His consultancy works with organizations in the USA, UK and Australia and generates over $3m in annual sales.

The Ballistix Team


If you really like wasting money and annoying prospects then, go ahead, hire a team of Sales Development Reps

Get rid of SDRs and replace them with tightly targeted offers and a team of researchers! [more]

Inbound Marketing: Retards Growth and Turns Marketing Folks into Zombies

Inbound marketing is nice in theory (and great for validating ideas) but, for most organizations it simply doesn’t scale fast enough to enable organizations to keep up with competitors! [more]

The end of commissions, bonuses and other artificial management stimulants

Sales commissions should be eliminated, in favor of a team-based approach to sales and proper sales management! [more]