Slaying Sacred Cows

There’s no such thing as The Market

In her third term as Prime Minister, Margret Thatcher famously said,”… there’s no such thing as society.” She went on to say, “There are [just] individual men and women and there are families.” (Thatcher was responding to a special interest group that was casting its problems as those of society.) A few days ago I […]

Slaying Sacred Cows

Do you really need all those branch offices?

I often find myself asking that question: do you really need all those branch offices? Think what happens when organisations implement our method. Salespeople don’t need an office anymore: they’re always in the field performing appointments. The scheduling of salespeople is centralised (that’s sales coordinators). There’s a whole bunch of reasons why you mustn’t *ever* […]

Slaying Sacred Cows

Customer service is NOT a competitive advantage!

I’m often told by potential clients – in answer to the question, ‘on what basis do you compete for customers?’ – that ‘customer service is our point of difference’. In almost all cases service is NOT a competitive advantage. In fact, this answer is normally a tacit admission of a complete absence of one! Let’s […]

Slaying Sacred Cows

There’s no such thing as an internal customer

In recent times, it’s become fashionable to talk about ‘internal customers’. The thinking is that everyone in our organisation is a customer service person. If we don’t serve direct customers, we serve internal customers, where these internal customers might be other divisions, co-workers, management, channel partners etc. While this reasoning may form the basis of […]

Slaying Sacred Cows

Countering the ‘promote to build brand equity’ argument

I’m often asked by clients how to cope with the ‘appeal to brand equity’ made frequently by (some) marketing people (particularly those selling advertising) in defense of promotional activities. (To review my position on ‘brand equity as a management metric’ you might like to read this article. The marketer’s position is typically as follows: We […]

Managing Opportunities

Baptism by fire: a sustainable competitive advantage or else!

I spent a couple of hours with a Sydney-based insolvency practitioner last week. He visited to request assistance with his marketing. (Yes it’s okay, Ballistix is still solvent!) Because this was my first meeting with a potential client I waited a full 10 minutes before challenging the viability of his business model. Fortunately, my guest’s […]

Measures and General Management

Client retention: whose responsibility?

Whose responsibility, I wonder, is client retention? Most organisations believe it’s the salesperson’s. Consequently, many salespeople spend a disproportionate amount of their time on account management. ‘Account management’ is a polite way of referring to a process that involves driving from client to client, drinking coffee and talking about the football. In the US, they […]