The Machine (book)

The Machine > Part 1 > Chapter 5: Three variations on the standard model

Executives who encounter SPE for the first time will often ask if it is applicable in all situations. The answer to this question, not surprisingly, is no. Few theories – if any – can legitimately claim to be valid in all circumstances. However, before we offer-up our organization’s uniqueness as a get-out-of-jail-free card, it’s worth […]

Applying Sales Process Engineering, Managing Opportunities, Measures and General Management, Slaying Sacred Cows

Why your field rep should not necessarily be your salesperson

It seems so obvious. If that team member has a Blackberry and a company car; if they call on customers and help resolve their problems; then they must be a salesperson, right? Well, maybe not! Sure, that’s the way things have traditionally been done: the person in the field is automatically the salesperson. But, in […]