The Machine (book)

The Machine > Part 1 > Chapter 5: Three variations on the standard model

Executives who encounter SPE for the first time will often ask if it is applicable in all situations. The answer to this question, not surprisingly, is no. Few theories – if any – can legitimately claim to be valid in all circumstances. However, before we offer-up our organization’s uniqueness as a get-out-of-jail-free card, it’s worth […]

Applying Sales Process Engineering

How to get the most out of Industrial Sales Manufacturer’s Reps (and distributors)

Unlike Australia, the United States is the land of the ‘Manufacturer’s Representative’. Most manufacturers rely on a network of independent representatives to provide distribution across this huge continent.  (Australia is a huge continent too, but only small areas of it are populated.) A typical manufacturer’s representative (Rep) is essentially a commissioned salesperson who promotes the […]

Measures and General Management, Slaying Sacred Cows

Why resellers don’t sell, and why you should be glad they don’t!

“If only we could get distribution … we’d have it made.” I hear this anxious declaration regularly. Particularly from manufacturers and software vendors. I’ve even heard it from a number of musicians! Manufacturers want representation from agents or retailers. Software vendors want to establish relationships with resellers. And musicians want representation from a record label. […]