Measures and General Management

Why accurate estimating may be costing you sales

Years ago, I remember consulting to a small printing firm. As is often the case in job shops (make-to-order manufacturers), estimation was the system constraint. Obviously, this wasn’t a good thing.  It meant that customers wanted to buy printing; that production had the capacity to fulfill their orders; but that estimating was limiting the flow […]

Managing Opportunities

Qualification: value adding or value destroying?

I’m always bemused by the exalted tone used by salespeople and management when discussing ‘qualification’. The presumption seems to be that this activity somehow adds tremendous value to the opportunity-management process. I suspect, in most cases, it does the opposite! From what I’ve observed, ‘qualification’ typically involves a salesperson making preliminary contact with a list […]

Managing Opportunities

A/B/C classifications

It’s a common practice to categorise clients (or prospects) using an A/B/C rating (or similar). This practice may be common, but it’s rarely sensible! Organisations typically apply such a classification in an attempt to prioritise the allocation of sales resources (field or phone) to relationships under management. If those resources are abundant, this method may […]

Managing Opportunities

Some thoughts on major-account selling

It’s often claimed that there are fundamental differences between major- and minor-account selling. Obviously, we’re not interested in the ‘selling’ here, so much as in the ‘sales process’. Here are some thoughts on this issue. If a minor opportunity is one that you can win in a single appointment, then a major opportunity is just […]

Generating Opportunities

How to promote, present and profit from seminars and workshops

Seminars and workshops are particularly potent business marketing tools.  Here’s everything you need to know to use them to generate leads and grow your business. If you’ve ever seen delegates queue to purchase audiocassette programs at a Tom Hopkins seminar, you’ve seen the power of a good seminar presentation. Seminars are a hybrid sales tool. […]

Generating Opportunities

The buying process versus the opportunity-management process

At one of our public roundtables this morning (in Sydney), we discussed the relationship between the potential client’s buying process and the organisation’s opportunity-management process. It’s an interesting insight, I think. The potential client’s buying process could be characterised as follows: The potential client suffers pain of some kind — but resolves (consciously or unconsciously) […]