Measures and General Management

What’s a customer really worth?

Imagine what you would say if your production manager attempted to justify the purchase of a new piece of capital equipment by arguing that the lease payments will bring you in line with industry benchmarks for capital expenditure! I’m guessing that you wouldn’t appreciate the employment of such irrational thinking to the purchase of machinery. […]

Measures and General Management

Salespeople must sell!

In a process built along the lines we advocate it is critical that salespeople pursue a ‘sale’ at each business-development appointment. Now this sale may not be the achievement of the ultimate objective.  In many cases it’s just permission to move to the next step in the (standardised) opportunity-management process. It may be that salespeople […]

Measures and General Management, Slaying Sacred Cows

When higher conversion equals lower sales

I’ve discussed in the past that an assumption that underpins the design and management of most sales processes is that conversion (rate) is the primary driver of sales. The Sales Process Engineering method recognises this assumption as erroneous. In most all sales processes, opportunity flow (volume) is the primary driver, not conversion. It’s quite easy […]

Measures and General Management

Major cause of low sales

Here’s a question If we were to classify the potential causes of low sales into three categories: Market and offer mismatch (wrong market, wrong offer or both) Lack of appropriate channels for customer to hear about us (promotional channels) or to buy our products (sales channels) Sales management (managing the sales pipeline) Which do you […]

Measures and General Management

Why accurate estimating may be costing you sales

Years ago, I remember consulting to a small printing firm. As is often the case in job shops (make-to-order manufacturers), estimation was the system constraint. Obviously, this wasn’t a good thing.  It meant that customers wanted to buy printing; that production had the capacity to fulfill their orders; but that estimating was limiting the flow […]

Measures and General Management

Client retention: whose responsibility?

Whose responsibility, I wonder, is client retention? Most organisations believe it’s the salesperson’s. Consequently, many salespeople spend a disproportionate amount of their time on account management. ‘Account management’ is a polite way of referring to a process that involves driving from client to client, drinking coffee and talking about the football. In the US, they […]