Measures and General Management

Achieving ‘Predictable Success’ (book review)

I have a few long-term clients who I love dearly but who are painfully difficult to work with! The problem is that they are creative entrepreneurs, brilliant at starting businesses – and launching new initiatives within existing ones – but challenged when it comes to building sustainable and scalable machines. Because our expertise is the […]

Case Studies

Ballistix backs away from projects: embraces services

I’ve been dying to tell you what’s probably our biggest news after the launch of our US operations a few years ago. But I wanted to wait until we had a few miles under our belt with this new model. I also wanted to make sure that this story is more than show-and-tell! (Although, the […]

Measures and General Management

In memory of Eli Goldratt

His full name was Dr Eliyahu Goldratt but the world knew him as Eli. He burst onto the world stage when his first book (The Goal) became a runaway best seller. The Goal went on to become one of the most-read business books of all time and Eli established himself as one of a small […]

Measures and General Management, Slaying Sacred Cows, The Machine (book)

The Machine > Part 1 > Chapter 6: The end of commissions, bonuses and other artificial management stimulants

If it’s true that sacred cows make the best hamburgers, then we’re in for quite a feast! I’ve chosen to close Part One of this book with a frontal assault on the juiciest bovine of all: the unassailable belief that salespeople should be paid commissions. And while I’m at it, I’ll take aim at bonuses, […]

The Machine (book)

The Machine > Part 1 > Chapter 5: Three variations on the standard model

Executives who encounter SPE for the first time will often ask if it is applicable in all situations. The answer to this question, not surprisingly, is no. Few theories – if any – can legitimately claim to be valid in all circumstances. However, before we offer-up our organization’s uniqueness as a get-out-of-jail-free card, it’s worth […]

Case Studies, Generating Opportunities

Social Media: update

My last post discussing the results of our initial experiments with Social Media elicited a great response, including an invitation to present a webinar for TOCICO. I’ve just created my slide-deck for that webinar and I’m happy to share it below. If you’re interested in attending the Webinar (there is a charge for non-TOCICO members), […]